Many Changes Proposed For Deer Hunting Seasons, Limits

The Arkansas Game and Fish Commission is asking the public to provide feedback on the state’s wildlife regulations including several regarding white-tailed deer and deer hunting.

Any comments or concerns can be provided by going to the Regulation Survey to take a quick online survey. The following considerations are being surveyed for the 2014-15 season:

Among the proposals are several about deer, including:

buck3• Adding a doe to the firearms bag limit in Deer Zones 2, 3, 6, 6A, 8, 8A and 10.

• Allowing captive wildlife, excluding cervids, which originate within Arkansas and leave the state for less than 30 days, to re-enter the state without the need for a veterinary examination.

• Allow AGFC to immediately relocate captive wildlife being given improper care by rehabilitators, being kept in inhumane or in unhealthy conditions. Prohibit possession of native wildlife pets by rehabilitators except under certain conditions.

• Add a deer modern gun (restricted to shotgun/muzzleloader) permit hunt (10 permits) from Nov. 8-12, 2014 with a two deer limit; one buck (3-point rule applies) and one doe on Steve N. Wilson Raft Creek Bottoms WMA.

• Move the deer modern gun youth permit hunt to the weekend before the statewide November youth hunt (Oct. 25-26, 2014) on Steve N. Wilson Raft Creek Bottoms WMA. 

• Establish a five day muzzleloader deer permit hunt for Ed Gordon Point Remove WMA.

• Change the minimum antler criteria on Lafayette County WMA from the Four-Point rule to a 12-inch inside spread or 15-inch main beam rule.

• Move the modern gun deer hunt a week later (Nov. 1-5) on Ed Gordon Point Remove WMA.

• Add Lake Greeson (excluding mobility impaired hunters hunting during the mobility-impaired permit hunt) and Howard County WMAs into the leased land permit system requiring a leased land permit ($40).

• Remove the hunter education requirement for youth hunters 6-15 years of age participating in WMA permit hunts.

• Allow the harvest of feral hogs only during bear, deer and elk firearms seasons on certain WMAs.

• Prohibit the harvest of feral hogs at any time on certain WMAs.

• Close all hunting seasons from Jan. 5-March 31, and prohibit horses and mules from Feb. 1- March 31, on Harold E. Alexander Spring River WMA.

Written comments may be mailed by March 1 to the AGFC, Attn: Hunting Regulations Proposals, 2 Natural Resources Drive, Little Rock, AR 72205.

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