The National Shooting Sports Foundation has launched a new campaign called “You may be Surprised to know this about hunting” to connect and even surprise the non-hunting public with stories about improved wildlife populations and the conservation efforts of hunters.
NSSF presents this social media campaign in a five-part infographic series that will re-introduce hunters and hunting to the public. With most people these days living in cities, suburbs and non-hunting households, many misperceptions of what hunting is and what hunting does, have developed. In response, this campaign works to explain hunting’s connection to the values of today’s socially and environmentally conscious culture.
With Earth Day approaching and with people thinking more about the health of our planet, it seems appropriate to kick off with the infographic titled “You may be Surprised to know… hunters aid the environment” In order to explain that hunters and environmentalists alike fight habitat encroachment and help to conserve the health of our ecosystems, NSSF points out that hunters have contributed billions of dollars to wildlife conservation through a sustainable system of wildlife management.
More than a century ago, when wildlife populations were depleted, hunters supported laws that placed excise taxes on purchases of firearms and ammunition and later on fishing, boating and archery equipment. Through these taxes, and also license fees, wildlife agencies received the necessary funds to acquire and maintain land. This land is set aside for the conservation of game and non-game species.
Wildlife biologists survey and measure wildlife populations, habitat and food sources to determine how many animals can thrive in certain areas, and then help establish hunting regulations that combat overpopulation and allow time for species growth. This land is also made available for outdoor recreational activities such as hiking, kayaking, camping and more.
The campaign recognizes the locavore movement and the fact long known to hunters that game meat is nutritious and healthful. NSSF highlights venison with double the iron, fewer calories, more protein and better fats than typical meats like lamb, beef, turkey and chicken, making it a truly healthy alternative. This campaign seeks to demonstrate that if you support the environment, preservation of land, animal conservation and personal nutrition, then you can support hunting.
To view the full selection of infographics and to learn more about this campaign, go to
The campaign was created by the NSSF communications team working with intern Daphane Cassidy, an avid hunter and conservationist. Daphane has hunted and volunteered in South Africa, and has represented the U.S. as one of the few American Young Opinion members of The International Council for Game and Wildlife Conservation at the most recent “Hunting is Conservation” general assembly in Belgium. Participating in worldwide conservation efforts and seeing the benefits of hunting first-hand, Daphane wants to foster positive understanding and relationships between the hunting and non-hunting public.
About NSSF
The National Shooting Sports Foundation is the trade association for the firearms industry. Its mission is to promote, protect and preserve hunting and the shooting sports. Formed in 1961, NSSF has a membership of more than 13,000 manufacturers, distributors, firearms retailers, shooting ranges, sportsmen’s organizations and publishers. For more information, visit