New Easton Arrow in the Making?

Is Easton Archery about to unveil a new hunting arrow? Not sure. Stayed tuned for more info on this here at Deer & Deer Hunting.
Is Easton Archery about to unveil a new hunting arrow? Not sure. Stayed tuned for more info on this here at Deer & Deer Hunting.

Is Easton Archery about to unveil a brand-new arrow for bowhunters?

From the looks of it, it sure seems like we will be seeing a new Easton arrow very soon. Check out the text we just received:

“I am sending you a couple of images that were captured by a friend at a pro shop the other day. Rumor has it there were some Easton Archery Pro-Staff members there, and they were fine-tuning their setups for an upcoming bow hunt, and they were shooting the arrows in this photo.

“The arrow seems to be an X Series shaft with a Deep Six stainless-steel RPS insert … since the broadhead is definitely a Deep Six Killzone from New Archery Products.”

New Easton Arrow

Stay tuned to Deer & Deer Hunting for updates on this development.


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