Well we finally got to take the annual bowhunting trip this year. Every year me and the buds get together and head north to my uncle’s farm in Northwest Mo and get after the rutting whitetails. This year was a little different, as it was only my brother and I. Deer camps will never be quite the same, as we lost one of our youngest members this past year. My cousin, Darin Dunlap, passed away this past year at the young age of 19 yrs old. He looked forward to this trip every year and he was just a ton of fun to be around in camp and to hunt with as well. We have alot of great memories together at previous camps and will always cherish those times we got to hunt and hang out together.
The deer movement was really slow this year and we had some pretty tough hunting. We hunted 4 days and just didn’t see much activity at all. Never the less, it’s always a good time to get to go hunting and just get away for awhile. Nothing like being in a tree in November and knowing that at any moment that big boy could step out.
We will get back after them this coming weekend as the Missouri rifle season opens, so I know the bucks will be moving for sure. Gonna have the Elite hanging beside me in the tree and see what happens. I am getting some good deer on camera, so I know they are in there. Good luck to all the Missouri rifle hunters this weekend.