Ohio Muzzleloader Hunters Start Strongly

Muzzleloader hunters killed 314 white-tailed deer during last week’s early muzzleloader season, according to the Ohio Department of Natural Resources’ Division of Wildlife.

Total deer kills from the season include 130 at Salt Fork Wildlife Area, 121 at Wildcat Hollow and 63 at Shawnee State Forest. That total is down slightly from 357 deer killed during the 2011 early muzzleloader season (161 at Salt Fork Wildlife Area, 154 at Wildcat Hollow and 42 at Shawnee State Forest). Early muzzleloader hunters killed 516 deer in 2010 (254 at Salt Fork Wildlife Area, 176 at Wildcat Hollow and 86 at Shawnee State Forest).

The early muzzleloader season started Oct. 15 and closed Oct. 20. The season was only open at Salt Fork Wildlife Area, Wildcat Hollow and Shawnee State Forest.

Ohio’s various deer hunting seasons, coupled with a healthy population, gives hunters a good opportunity for success. Archery season opened Sept. 29 and runs through Feb. 3, 2013. Youth deer gun season is Nov. 17-18. Deer gun season is Nov. 26-Dec. 2 and Dec. 15-16. The statewide muzzleloader season is Jan. 5-8.

Hunters may donate venison to food banks, which will help feed the hungry in their area. The ODNR Division of Wildlife is proud to partner with the organization Farmers and Hunters Feeding the Hungry (FHFH) to help pay for the processing of donated venison for this excellent cause. Hunters who donate their deer to a participating local food bank are not required to pay the processing cost as long as funding for the effort lasts. Hunters are encouraged to find more information about this worthwhile program online at fhfh.org.

To learn more about all of Ohio’s deer hunting seasons and requirements, hunters are advised to review the 2012-13 Ohio Hunting and Trapping Regulations or visit wildohio.com.

ODNR ensures a balance between wise use and protection of our natural resources for the benefit of all. Visit the ODNR website at www.ohiodnr.com.

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