The Indiana Natural Resources Commission will conduct a public hearing May 3 in Plainfield on a proposal to continue the one-buck deer hunting rule.
The one-buck rule currently allows only one antlered deer to be taken during the special youth, archery, firearm, or muzzleloader seasons combined. The rule is set to expire Sept. 1.
The proposed rule language can be viewed online. Individuals can provide comments at the public hearing at 6 p.m. at the Plainfield Public Library, 1120 Stafford Road, Plainfield.
Comments regarding this proposal can also be submitted online to the NRC at online. Click on “Comment on this rule” next to “Deer ‘One-Buck Rule’ Amendment.”
The deadline for submitting comments is May 3.
Comments can also be mailed to:
Natural Resources Commission
Indiana Government Center North
100 N. Senate Ave., Room N501
Indianapolis, IN 46204
All comments sent to the NRC regarding this rule change will be provided to commission members and DNR staff and will be publicly disclosed and searchable on the Internet and in a paper docket as part of the final report.
The NRC is expected to vote on final adoption of the rule change at its meeting on May 15.
For more information call Linnea Petercheff at (317) 233-6527.