A South Carolina high school principal removed his hunting taxidermy mounts from his school office after a newspaper story resulted in a few complaints from parents of students.
Summerville High School Principal Buddy Chapel had a “stuffed lioness, antelopes, wildebeests and other creatures — that filled every wall” according to a story Tuesday in the The Post & Courier of Charleston. The newspaper wrote a feature on Jan. 19 that elicited at least two letters to the editor about the mounts.
The newspaper reported that a school district spokeswoman said “district leaders were aware that some parents didn’t like the display but didn’t want to take sides in the debate.” The paper also reported that Chapel, a former Marine drill sergeant, let students know if they were uncomfortable with the mounts he could meet with them in another place during school hours.
“They have a great time,” he told the paper. “It’s like a big zoo for them. It hasn’t freaked any kids out that I know about.”
Read the full Post & Courier report here: Click this link
Should a school principal or teacher have mounted animals in his or her office or classroom, or is a school setting inappropriate for them? Let us know what you think by commenting below.