So, a Blind Guy and a Quadriplegic Decide to go Deer Hunting

This is a pretty cool story.

No, the headline isn’t a fake. It’s not a joke. It’s not meant to be an insult, either.

Ralph Barten (left) and Don Christensen with their Wisconsin buck.
Ralph Barten (left) and Don Christensen with their Wisconsin buck.

I ran across this outstanding story on and decided it’s worth sharing. Well worth it, given that often in the deer hunting world each season we see too much garbage based on jealousy, ego and other negativity. “So-and-so killed that deer illegally … must be nice to have money to hunt … go hunt on public land … you’re not a “real” hunter unless you’re using X-brand product” … the petty attitudes and immaturity just gets old and tiring.

So to run across a cool story about two guys who just wanted to go deer hunting, and figured out a way to do it, was refreshing.

This blind guy, Ralph Barten of Ladysmith, Wis., wanted to go deer hunting. He asked his buddy, Don Christensen of Spooner, Wis., — he’s the quadriplegic, due to multiple sclerosis —
about it. Christensen has a website that helps folks with disabilities learn about how to enjoy the outdoors.

Christensen was the spotter, of course. Barten was the shooter. Thanks to the nifty iScope for a smartphone, a webcam and a laptop, they were able to get situated so Christensen could see Barten’s crosshairs and help with aiming directions.

There were some other hiccups, but nothing that some determined men with a little Wisconsin redneck ingenuity couldn’t figure out. It doesn’t appear that duct tape was involved but I suspect someone had a roll or two just in case.

Barten and Christensen scored on a fine 8-point buck. Hunters always seem to find a way.

Check out the story here and let it be a positive part of your day and hunting season.

— Alan Clemons, Managing Editor


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