The Congressional Sportsmen’s Foundation has announced the formation of an Advisory Council which will provide support and guidance for the New York Legislative Sportsmen’s Caucus. The recently formed New York Sportsmen’s Advisory Council (NYSAC) is composed of leaders from the New York conservation community, including those representing the leading hunting, angling, shooting, and trapping organizations from throughout the state.
The Advisory Council will provide support for the Caucus through serving as a readily available source of expert information on sportsmen’s issues, and by assisting with the planning and execution of Caucus activities, such as the New York Legislative Sportsmen’s Breakfast held each spring. The newly formed Advisory Council brings together grassroots sportsmen’s organizations, sporting goods manufacturers, and others, under one umbrella to work directly with legislators in the Caucus in an organized fashion.
The newly elected Executive Committee of the New York Sportsmen’s Advisory Council consists of:
Chairman: Larry G. Becker, Board Member and Immediate Past President, New York State Chapter of the National Wild Turkey Federation
Vice Chairman: Tom King, President, New York State Rifle & Pistol Association; Board Member, National Rifle Association
Secretary: David Miller, Executive Director, New York State Trappers Association
Treasurer: Stephen Aldstadt, President, SCOPE
“It is an honor to be elected Chairman of the Advisory Council by the dedicated leaders of the outstanding organizations they represent,” said Larry Becker, Chairman of the New York Sportsmen’s Advisory Council. “I believe that the Advisory Council is an excellent opportunity to leverage the knowledge and resources of each of the respective member organizations with a unified voice to help educate legislators on the common issues we support or oppose. The Council will serve as a liaison for interaction with the Legislative Sportsmen’s Caucus while still retaining the autonomy of the individual organizations. Members of all the organizations represented should congratulate their leaders for stepping up to this responsibility and assist them wherever practical. This initiative will benefit conservation in New York through advancing the ability of its citizens to participate in hunting, fishing, trapping, and the shooting sports throughout our state.”
The New York Legislative Sportsmen’s Caucus currently boasts nearly 80 members, representing districts from across the state, both political parties, and bipartisan leadership from both the Senate and Assembly. The New York Caucus is a member of the National Assembly of Sportsmen’s Caucuses, a program under the Congressional Sportsmen’s Foundation banner that presently consists of 39 individual state caucuses with a membership base of approximately 2,000 state legislators.
For more information on the Congressional Sportsmen’s Foundation, the National Assembly of Sportsmen’s Caucuses, or the New York Legislative Sportsmen’s Caucus, please visit