One of the most frustrating parts of land ownership is trespassers. This landowner filmed a trespasser taking a stroll through his property and confronts the man. How he reacts is interesting. Check it out below.

Land management expert Steve Bartylla says trespasser control all begins with having honest dialogs with the neighbors. Start by introducing yourself, building a relationship, then laying out your expectations. You can also offer them a cash reward should they catch any trespassers on your property.
“I also be sure to point out, in a non-threatening manner, that I’ve offered the same to all the other neighbors and any hunter I have on the place. Without saying it, I’m telling them that everyone in the area is watching over the place,” said Bartylla.
Some landowners have gone to extreme lengths to keep trespassers off their land, like what happened in this viral video from 2013. The trespasser in the video walked over a tripwire that was hooked to an explosive device, launching a paintball at the intruder. He received a ticket for trespassing that was placed on hold for six months, meaning the ticket would be dismissed after six months if no other charges were brought against the party. The landowner also received a ticket for criminal mischief and criminal harassment which was also placed on hold for six months.
How would you have handled the situation from the video above? Chime in with your thoughts here.