Vermont officials have charged a Poultney man after poaching two deer in Fair Haven in October.
Vermont State Game Warden Robert Sterling and Fair Haven Police Officer Ken Jones were patrolling for deer poaching activity on the evening of Oct. 19. At approximately 11 p.m. they observed a vehicle shining a light into fields along Swamp Road in Fair Haven. The vehicle’s driver was then observed firing a .30-06 rifle at a deer in a field.
Warden Sterling and Officer Jones then stopped the vehicle and made the arrest. The driver and shooter was 21-year old Joshua Newton of Poultney. In the vehicle was a loaded .30-06 rifle with a fired cartridge casing still in the gun. The following day blood was found in the field where the shot was fired, indicating that Newton had wounded a deer. This deer was not located.
Further investigation revealed Newton had also illegally killed a deer with the same rifle on Swamp Road in Fair Haven a week earlier and left the deer in the field. The remains of this deer were located.
Newton is facing charges of taking a wild deer by use of a light and at night for the deer on the 19th and taking a deer in closed season with a rifle on Oct. 7.
If convicted of both offenses, Newton will be subject to fines and restitution of up to $5,000 and forfeiture of his rifle to the State. Newton will also have his privileges to hunt, fish and trap suspended for three years.
The illegal shooting of deer at night is on the rise in Vermont. Wardens need your help in apprehending these thieves of our natural resources.
When you see or hear of illegal activity, immediately contact a Vermont State Game Warden by calling your local State Police Barracks. You can also contact Operation Game Thief at 1-800-752-5378.