Wisconsin Deer Positive for CWD

Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources officials have confirmed that a Waukesha County deer has tested positive for Chronic Wasting Disease. This is the first CWD-positive deer in the county.

“Being the first CWD positive in Waukesha County is noteworthy but not completely unexpected,” said DNR area wildlife supervisor Tim Lizotte. “Given the proximity to a CWD-positive deer 16 miles away in Jefferson County, we knew it was a possibility.”

A portion of Waukesha County is in the existing CWD Management Zone, where DNR has been performing disease surveillance to better determine its presence and prevalence. This deer was reported sick-looking to the DNR by a landowner in the Town of Delafield. Wildlife managers responded and collected samples for disease testing.

“Sick deer reporting is the most effective way of detecting disease and removing disease agents from the landscape,” said Lizotte. “We thank the landowner for contacting us. This cooperation is needed to help identify presence of the disease and track prevalence.”

This sampling result does not change established hunting seasons nor does it change the current CWD Management Zone boundary. Baiting and feeding of deer, as well as deer rehabilitation, is already banned in Waukesha County. However the border of Washington County is within a 10-mile radius of this new positive, therefore a baiting and feeding ban will go into effect for Washington County by DNR Secretary’s order prior to the 2013 deer season.

All CWD samples collected in Waukesha County during 2012 have been processed with no additional CWD positives detected.

“Future response to this new positive will be considered once all results from the area are analyzed. We will keep the public informed and involved as we learn more,” Lizotte said.

For more information on CWD in Wisconsin, and to view CWD maps, please visit dnr.wi.gov and search for “CWD.”

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