Iola, Wis. — With winter looming, North America’s alpha predators roam the fields and forests looking for their next meal. Their fur is prime and their appetites are large. After an autumn of calling in geese and grunting in bucks, hunters turn to the ultimate challenge: to call in a predator capable of eating you—or at least drawing blood.
Published every winter, Predator Hunting magazine is a curated collection of hunting stories, technical advice and insights on how to pursue a mixed bag of predators, varmints and furbearers. Find Predator Hunting magazine at major and specialty retailers.
Issue highlights:
— Author Jack Spencer Jr. likens calling in a mountain lion as one of the greatest challenges in hunting. The failure rate can be high, the cat can be called but never seen and sometimes it comes in too close for comfort. In another story, Spencer travels to Canada to pursue elusive giant wolves that appear on trail cams at random times. The wolves are big and burly in the North Country but they come and go like unpredictable ghosts.
— Accessing backcountry hunting spots can be tough and author Ted Stotler figures he has it covered with three vehicles: his trusty pick-up truck, a light motorcycle and a mountain bike. He analyzes the pros and cons of each method of transport through the lens of a passionate predator hunter.
— Like other outdoor pursuits, predator hunting can be expensive as you make it. Author Cary Rideout goes on a mission to assemble a predator-hunting outfit on a budget. With a rifle shooting an obsolete but accurate cartridge to using a vintage distress call, he proves that resourcefulness can be a virtue when assembling gear for the hunt.
— Distance is everything in predator hunting and author Andrew Lewand studies every aspect in a survey of predator hunters. He covers how far they drive to hunting spots, how far they set-up from the vehicle, the distance at which they take their shots, and everything in between. See how you match up with replies of the predator hunters in the survey.
Also covered in the magazine: a primer on bobcat hunting; how to call in thick brush; understanding breeze patterns for hunting success, mastering coyote-country landscape; how calling in crows is very similar to calling coyotes and the best gear to stay comfortable while on the hunt.
Predator Hunting magazine is an imprint of F+W, A Content + eCommerce Company. ( For more information, advice and gear about predator calling and trapping subscribe to Trapper & Predator Caller magazine.