A public hearing will be held on proposed changes to the New Hampshire Hunter Education rules on Sept. 30 at 6:30 p.m.
The meeting is open to the public and will be held at the New Hampshire Fish and Game Department, 11 Hazen Drive in Concord
Fish and Game is proposing to combine the basic hunter education program and the specialized bowhunter education program into one course referred to simply as “hunter education.”
Separate bowhunter education courses would be offered only for the next calendar year (2014), allowing an opportunity for those currently holding Hunter Education certificates to add the bowhunter certification without taking the combined course. Bowhunting topics would be added to the hunter education course and practical field examination.
In addition, the proposed rules would set a minimum course length of 15 hours and a maximum length of 18 hours for Hunter Education courses.
Hunter Education instructors would be required, as part of their certification renewal, to
teach at least two hunter education courses, instead of one, in a two-year certification period; Master Hunter Instructor Trainers would be required to assist with one audit or one new instructor training each year; and Hunter Education instructors would be required to submit course information to the Fish and Game Department within 30 days of course completion.
“We are continually working to improve the Hunter Education experience in New Hampshire,” said Fish and Game Hunter Education Coordinator Joshua Mackay. “Right now, there is quite a bit of duplication between hunter education and bowhunter education classes; this proposal would streamline the process for those needing both certifications and provide useful information for all participants. In addition, by setting maximum and minimum course hours, we are aiming to improve the consistency of the material presented in Hunter Education classes.”
The complete rulemaking notices, with original and proposed rule language, can be viewed at http://www.wildnh.com/Legislative/Notices_summary.htm.
Written comments must be received by Oct. 7. Send to: comments@wildlife.nh.gov (use subject line “Comments on Hunter Education Rules”);
or write to Executive Director, N.H. Fish and Game Department, 11 Hazen Drive, Concord, NH 03301; or fax to 603-271-1438.