Deer Habitat: Browse Levels and Doe Harvest

Deer Habitat Management: Browse Levels and Doe Harvest

How many does should you shoot? The deer habitat and preferred browse species leave clues that will help you develop a doe management plan. Steve explains the basic formula based on years of proven experience. Grow ’em Big with Steve Bartylla. Season 4. Episode 12.


Grow ‘em Big is a Deer & Deer Hunting exclusive web show with 26 episodes that airs during the weeks and months leading up to most hunting seasons in North America. Host Steve Bartylla is one of the country’s best-known experts deer habitat management. Bartylla provides in-depth, proven methods for managing deer and local habitat to help fellow whitetail hunters take their land and resident deer population to a higher, more productive level.

This info-packed show provides top-end management techniques that Bartylla has honed during more than 25 years of managing some of North America’s premier deer hunting properties. Bartylla has hunted private and public lands for years, experiencing great success and failure along the way, and offers his deer habitat management wisdom in this show. Other topics include forestry, terrain excavating, treestand setup, fruit orchards, mast plantings, deer hunting tools, and cool- and warm-season food plots for deer.

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