We interrupt this episode of Deer Talk Now to bring you … what else … Turkey Talk Now! Tis the season for taking a break from the whitetails and chasing big gobblers. Gordy Krahn provides some expert turkey hunting tips. In our Product of the Day, Dan Schmidt takes a look at the new ElimiTick clothing from Gamehide. Deer Talk Now. Season 7. Episode 8.
Deer Talk Now was the first web show produced by Deer & Deer Hunting and airs each Thursday on deeranddeerhunting.com. The show is hosted by Deer & Deer Hunting editors Daniel Schmidt and Gordy Krahn, who bring years of deer and turkey hunting experience to each episode.
What will you find on Deer Talk Now? Everything from deer research, behavior and biology to management and shooting tactics centered on archery, crossbow, rifle, shotgun and muzzleloading deer hunters. You’ll also learn about new products and how to use and understand them to help your deer hunting. Deer Talk Now is one of most popular online hunting shows on the Web, with an average viewership of more than 160,000 viewers per week.
Watch Deer Talk Now each Thursday on deeranddeerhunting.com, the DDH Facebook page and on YouTube at www.youtube.com/DDHONLINE.
Learn How to Improve Your Deer Hunting Land
From creating more cover to adding the right forage to getting whitetails to move to desired areas, veteran land manager and host of Grow ’em Big, Steve Bartylla, leaves no stone unturned when it comes to deer management and habitat improvement. These are topics certain to raise any hunter’s or property owner’s whitetail and habitat IQ, and are drawn from the expert land manager’s hands-on-experience. Perhaps best of all the concepts Bartylla covers in this vividly illustrated resource can be applied to any property size – from 10 to 1,000 acres. Features include:
• Proven deer and habitat management tactics to attract mature bucks
• In-depth examination of white-tailed deer behavior
• Clear plans of action to initiate habitat- and deer-management strategies