Weatherby. Inc. announces its support of Hunter Education for 2013 with a new discount program to the more than 70,000 qualified volunteer Hunter Education Instructors around the United States.

In 2012, Weatherby initiated several programs in support of Hunter Education instructors. Continuing in that vein for 2013, Weatherby is excited to offer discounts on specific firearms including their new lifestlye line, WBY-X.
“Weatherby is proud to support hunter education instructors,” Ed Weatherby said. “Their dedication to ensure safe and responsible hunting is a cornerstone of our hunting heritage.”
Weatherby’s offer supports the largest volunteer group outside of volunteer firemen. The women and men who teach Hunter Education in North America are responsible for mentoring and communicating safe and responsible hunting to nearly three-quarters of a million students annually.
For more information on this and other discounts for certified Hunter Education instructors, visit