A nice deer roast in the slow cooker with a few vegetables is an easy way to whip up supper and have a delicious, nutritious meal.

Venison is lean and healthy. So whenever we get a chance to enjoy our hunting success it’s great to make the most of it.
Here’s a great recipe submitted to Deer & Deer Hunting by Jon Mager for a combination of two great cooking methods. Mager’s Grill-to-Crock Roast is one of the many super recipes in our DDH exclusive book “We Kill It, We Grill It” that’s become one of our fan favorites. It’s a great Father’s Day gift. BUY IT HERE
One thing we’d definitely do with Mager’s recipe is, after the roast is tender from hours of cooking, pull it apart to make juicy, delicious sandwiches. With some great toasted break, the onions from the slow cooker and a generous amount of the venison, you’d have a slam-dunk sandwich. Speaking of slam-dunk, add some of the au jus for dipping sauce, too!
Give Mager’s recipe a try and tell everyone asking for more that they may have to wait until deer season, but you’ll be sure to comply.
Grill-to-Crock Roast
Venison roast
2 packages onion soup mix
Vegetable oil
Beef stock
Sweet peppers
Garlic to taste
1 tsp salt
1 tsp pepper
1 pat of butter
Mix two packages of soup mix with half of the water called for in the directions. Marinate the roast overnight in the soup mix. Keep refrigerated, and turn the roast frequently for an even coat.
Grill the roast on high heat until just seared. Make sure not to cook the roast.
When the searing is completed, place the roast in a Crock Pot half full with beef stock, and then add desired amount of onions, sweet peppers, carrots, celery and garlic. Last, add salt, pepper and butter. Cook on high all day, and then slice like roast beef, and serve with the beer of your choice.
Get This Great Cooler/Dry Box and You’ll Be Set!
Whether you’re going to the beach on vacation, relaxing at the fishin’ hole or sweating your butt off in summer at a deer camp work day, this Engel Cooler/Dry Box will be a great benefit.

Three sizes are available with these great features:
- Quality injection molding and high-grade molded polystyrene foam insulation keeps your food and drinks cold
- Air-tight EVA gasket seals the entire lid
- Carrying is comfortable with recessed ergonomic carry handles and an integrated shoulder strap
- Stays shut with stainless steel latches and fittings secured with stainless steel screws
- No foul smells, thanks to stain and odor resistant surfaces
- Easy to clean with a non-absorbent surface
- Compact and lightweight
- Self-stopping hinge
- Includes a convenient hanging accessory tray