Big Buck Sheds Both Antlers on Film!

Hey everybody, check this out. It is one of the coolest videos I’ve seen come across my desk in a while.

Jeff Enns posted this on YouTube a while ago, but we first saw it now.

He writes:

“Here is a mule deer buck that I have trail cam videos and videos of in hunting season. I was filming this deer and as he started to run he dropped his left side, bedded down after running 400 yds, I stalked behind a small brush and waited 25 minutes until the buck decided to start running again and shaking off his right side with the drop tine.”

Check out Jeff’s cool video here

Check out the best deer hunting videos on the web:

1. Why antlers don’t grow.

2. Secrets behind buck dispersal.

3. How to create mineral sites for bigger deer.

4. Graphic video shows wolves attacking deer.

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