Best Shot Placement on Deer for Bowhunting

Nicole Reeve's arrow strikes this buck high through the lungs. He ain't going far! (courtesy of Driven TV)
Nicole Reeve’s arrow strikes this buck high through the lungs. He ain’t going far! (courtesy of Driven TV)

The best shot placement on deer for bowhunting can be learned by watching many of today’s hunting shows on TV.

Most folks watch hunting shows only to be entertained. I get that. And who can blame them? But I say there is so much to be learned from today’s hunting programs, especially if you watch the right ones.

OK, yes, I should add a gratuitous plus here for Deer & Deer Hunting TV. We pride ourselves on stepping outside the box and producing a show that educates, just like the magazine has done since 1977.

Some of the best footage to learn from is being produced by my friends Pat & Nicole Reeve of Driven TV. Their show is top-notch. Possibly the best there is when it comes to pure hunting footage and cinematography. I first met Pat many years ago when he was taxidermist and hunting guide. I quickly learned back then that Pat is a thinking-man’s deer hunter. He insists on getting up close to deer and always strives for quick, clean kills. The same can be said of Nicole, because she is Pat’s equal when it comes to hunting and shooting under pressure.

The video of her kill (above) is perfect evidence of that. Watch Nicole’s video here. (see post from Feb. 5 on the Driven Facebook page). This big Saskatchewan buck is so close, you can almost see its breath. Many hunters would come unglued at the very situation. Nicole does not. She performs perfectly and pulls off an almost perfect shot. The arrow impacts the deer just a tad high, but as you will see, the razor-sharp Muzzy makes quick work of the big buck’s lungs.

Hat’s off to Nicole and Pat. They are two bowhunters that provide excellent examples of how and when to release your arrow when you’re bowhunting for whitetails.



Learn more about Pat and Nicole’s incredible journey in the hunting world, and see some spectacular images of giant bucks by checking out their book, Trophy Whitetails.

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