whitetail deer hunting

When a Deer Snorts, It’s All Over

Sigh. Yep, it happens to everyone. When a deer sees you in your stand then blows at you — the jig is up.

Here’s a short video clip of a mature doe and her fawn ambling by my stand on opening day of Wyoming’s archery season a few years ago. I forgot I had this video clip on my phone. It was the first deer sighting of the year, so I thought I would film the deer as they walked within a few yards of my stand. The doe exhibited classic behavior after spotting me. First, she stops and looks up; does a few head bobs then walks stiff-legged out of sight. She hangs around for a few moments while testing the air.

Turn up your speaker to hear her parting “goodbye” after her nose catches a molecule or two of my human scent.

With a doe tag in the pocket, these are times when I need to be more decisive while on stand!


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