Ohio Buck Grosses 300 Inches?!

This buck was shot earlier this week in Farifield County, Ohio, by Dan Coffman. The man in the photo is a buddy of his who posed for this photo.
This buck was shot earlier this week in Farifield County, Ohio, by Dan Coffman. The man in the photo is a buddy of his who posed for this photo.

Just an incredible buck!  I talked with Dan Coffman last night, and we are working on getting his story in Deer & Deer Hunting. The guy in this photo is a buddy of his who wanted to pose with the deer. To dispel all of the rumors, Dan told me this buck is legit, wild, free range deer that he hunted for the past two seasons.

He got his sheds from last year, too. Not to give away his entire story, but he did share that it took them a long time to unravel the blood trail and that the deer was found on a neighbor’s property after they received permission to trail it. Preliminary measurements are 300-1/8 inches gross; 286 inches net nontypical!

We will be following this story as more details unfold. Congratulations to Dan and The Break TV team!

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