File this under the “Rome is burning, but you’ll need a few permits (and cash) on hand if you want to do the right and just thing and help put out the fire before it gets out of control” file…
Montana just issued a press release today about an “emergency” extension to its deer season in light of high testing rates of deer for chronic wasting disease.
After reading the press release (link below) and looking at the state’s CWD map, I looked up what the rules will be for resident (and nonresident) hunters who want to partake in this extended hunt, which runs into February. I now have but one question.
Yep, that’s my question: Really, Montana?
You’re pressing the panic button, perhaps rightly so, but will require hunters to jump through numerous hoops, wade through confusing tag descriptions and PAY for it (through the nose if you’re a nonresident).
The CWD samples are coming in at a 45% infection rate in some of the regions within the affected region. Yet, instead of telling hunters, get out there, kill deer and have a nice day, they limit the hunt to those with one of the following permits:
• Unused 2021 general deer license
• 003-00 white-tailed deer B license
• 399-00 white-tailed deer B license; this license will remain available for purchase throughout the hunt with a limit of five per hunter
• White-tailed deer B licenses from any other hunting district
State deer managers should be thankful for anyone who wants to venture out in late December, January and into February to merely partake in this cull. Resident fees are reasonable – like $16 for a deer tag and I think $10 for a doe tag. Nonresident tags (if you were lucky enough to draw one earlier this year) are well north of $600 for an either/or tag.
To me, it’s just one more glaring example of how not to respond to a so-called deer pandemic. If this is so damn serious, ditch the restrictions, the fees and the bureaucratic BS and get to work.
More information about the state’s CWD plan can be found here.