Trail Camera Photos: Wolves Surprise Wisconsin Deer Hunter

Nick and Brian Kruger are two diehard whitetail deer hunters from Wisconsin. The brothers hunt private and public land in central Wisconsin (Wood County), and they’ve had some good success over the years. Recent years, however, have shown a decrease in the number of deer they see during early season bowhunting and the November gun-hunting seasons.

These photos might indicate why there has been a decline in deer sightings.

Nick writes:

“I changed the card in my trail camera that is sitting in front of a den today. We got there and made a bunch of noise, then I go down in front of the hole to change batteries and the card in the camera. A couple of minutes later I hear a little noise, turn around, and this is what I saw. Needless to say my heart rate went through the roof. I was about eight to ten feet from the hole. Had a lot of pictures of two wolves using this den, a bunch of the pictures were from a hour or two before we got there.”

Thanks to Nick and Brian for sharing these photos with Deer & Deer Hunting. If Brian’s name sounds familiar, it should. He is a former staff member of D&DH.

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2 thoughts on “Trail Camera Photos: Wolves Surprise Wisconsin Deer Hunter

  1. Impressive pics!! Shocking? NOT! On our 320 acre deer camp (also in Wood Co, WI) I was surprised three years ago when I headed down a logging trail to set out a trail cam when I met a full grown wolf, trotting toward me on the same trail!! I was on my atv, armed with a 30 oz hammer (to anchor a post on which to mount said camera), AND a camera!! I found my camera, turned it on and began snapping pics!!! Seven pics turned out ok; three quite good. After I looked at the printed pics I got the shivers!!
    That critter was trotting toward me with his nose to the ground, but his eyes were on ME! His next MEAL??? He watched me for a moment, then sauntered off into the timber. As I mounted that camera I had one eye on the bush as I pounded the post! Then last year during the gun season he appeared again as my grandson & his buddy were out for an evening stand. These fellas are here to stay: Even in central Wisconsin. Be on guard, everyone! These animals have no enemies!!

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