The amount of technology infiltrating the hunting industry is ever expanding. What once was different sized fletching or unique radioactive pin sights now has given way to full fledged computer technology in our hunting equipment. Everywhere I turn, there is some new gadget or device touted as the next big “game changer” that will help me “improve” my abilities.
As a newbie, I don’t often fall for the hype since I’m still learning the basics, and aside from scent control or clothing, my interest in the latest and greatest is pretty slim. But it does make me wonder how the advancements in technology affect hunting, especially with future generations becoming inspired to pick up a bow or rifle and give it a try themselves.
Take the new precision-guided firearms, for example. This type of firearm is not your basic handheld rifle. Instead, they are long-range rifle systems that integrate technology that will supposedly improve the accuracy of your shots taken at extended ranges through a system that incorporates target tracking, wi-fi monitoring and advanced fire control. Fire control is a type of lock-and-launch technology that means that the round will not shoot unless the target is locked and engaged. This type of rifle also gives the shooter that ability to hit targets moving 10 to 20 mph, depending on the model.
Although bowhunters have yet to contend with complete computer controlled sights we are seeing peep sights with optical advancement to provide clarity to our pin sight in low light conditions and the ability to turn iPhones into bow sights. Obviously, it’s a personal decision as to how much technology you want to incorporate into your archery experience.
Maybe this is where my beginner status toward all things hunting is more of a blessing than I thought. I think that skill and accuracy cannot be created even with the built-in bells and whistles that technology brings to the table. For me, skill will only come with practice. And more practice means better accuracy, confidence, and ability.
I mentioned in my last post how interesting it is to see my progression in just one year. While I am not using a longbow or recurve, the technology that I’m incorporating into my hunting abilities are still fairly basic: a compound bow, wrist release, and basic sight. I realize the argument could go both ways and those who utilize the constantly evolving technology may see it as an asset. For me, for now, I plan to improve my bowhunting abilities the old-fashioned way: with practice.
New to bowhunting? Check out my “Beginner’s Guide to Archery: For Women” DVD available at HERE.