I hope everyone is having a successful season! My husband managed to get another deer while visiting his parents back in our home state of Michigan so our freezer is well stocked with venison! His family has owned property in northern Michigan for generations so it was a real treat for him to spend some time with his parents at deer camp while my daughter and I stayed back in Vermont to keep the wood-fire stoked and chickens watered and fed.

I feel like we’ve really embraced the idea behind local food with regard to local meat and wild meat being one of the same. With Thanksgiving this week, I am know that we are incredibly thankful for the harvest of two deer this year as well as the goose we will have for Thanksgiving dinner and the more than 40 eggs in my refrigerator courtesy of my chickens.

Since last week’s post on petitioning to extend Vermont’s bow season, we’ve been in conversation with key decision makers at Vermont Fish & Wildlife. The Vermont Fish & Wildlife Board plans to take “action on specific measures this winter and will be looking for public comment in February and March of 2015 for possible regulation changes that would take effect for the 2016 season.” I hope all of my fellow Vermonters take advantage of this opportunity to comment. I know we will.
Speaking of Vermont’s bow season, the second session will be underway on Dec. 6 and the food plot beneath my tree stand seems to be doing quite well:
Although the two bigger bucks only seem to come out between 11:30 p.m. and 2:30 a.m. Regardless, since I am in it for the meat (not the trophy), I’m hopeful one of these nice does will make a reappearance in a few weeks so I can finally get my chance.
If you’re interested in archery and bowhunting, be sure to check out this video that answers many questions about equipment, form and getting started in this wonderful activity.