You asked for it: We’re doing it!
For years, D&DH readers have been pushing back against the trophy trend on today’s hunting shows and have asked us to show "real life" hunting scenarios on TV. While big antlers are beautiful and day-dreamy, viewers would like to see the real side of deer hunting in America.
Well, coming for 2012, we’re doing just that. Beginning next summer, we will be unveiling a new television show (don’t worry DDH TV fans, it’s in addition to our renowned D&DH show, not replacing it) that focuses on how every day Americans hunt whitetails across this great land.
We’re currently filming across the country, capturing all the ways deer hunters chase their quarry — from public land in some of the most hard-hunted states, to urban bow hunts, to over-looked spots like the beaches of Florida.
However, we’d also like feedback from you.
Where would you like to see us hunt?
Do you know of any off-the-wall locations that don’t get their fair play on TV?
Remember, no deer is too small. We just want to see how America hunts deer in all its unique forms.
I think you should just go ahead and hire me and my crew to film this for you. Were already working on a show of our own like this. We hunt privavte and public lands from West Virginia, Maryland, Ohio, Virginia and Illinois. Nothing like the real life every day hunter.
Good Luck in Vilas County….if you choose it. Sorry I guess I’m a poor looser, just finished bow and gun seasons and I got no deer, again…
How the deer seem to be constantly changing, here in WI we have a density population called "clumping". Deer clump together for safety caused by many factors. To me it seems the deer have become like geese, with border defenses and the mature bucks behind many layers.
I look forward to our "Deer Czar" report in March 2012. I believe the 40,000 plus bears have taked a two year toll on fawns. I find the smaller deer around the subdivisions and more larger bucks in the deep woods, again a change from the past.
I agree with all the comments on trophy hunts. I would like to see more educational show on hunting in big woods with out the aid of food plots and baiting. I live and hunt in New York. Not always known as a whitetail state, but we have a deep traditions in hunting. With deer numbers increasing and public lands the only option. It would be great to see some hunting in and around towns also. I do a lot of hunting in small lots, 50 acres and less near homes and small county lands with many rules. Each deer is hard earned and a great trophy regardless of the size of the antlers. I love your show and more over your magazine and would to see more of the same in the new show. I hope to see it soon and hope that you get a better time slot here in New York.
Central Ontario has huge sleeper bucks for location and scenery. Some in depth shows about pre-season choosing and setting up a tree stand, climbers and fixed. Choosing a trail camera and how to set it up for optimum photos
I agree with te first comment by Dennis. If you want to see Deer Hunting in all it’s challenging glory, Hunt Pennsylvania, particularly Southwestern PA where almost everyone owns a small parcel of land and won’t let you hunt and public land is usually crowded. Somewhere like Greene, Washington or Allegheny County. Allegheny Co has Archery and Muzzel Loader only. Plus we have antler restrictions and finding a food plot on public land or ANYWHERE near public land is just as big of a challenge. I believe this is some of the World’s best hunting here…Turkey too.
x2 for pa public land hunting, preferably in north central pa where it is big woods hunting
x2 for pa public land hunting, preferably in north central pa where it is big woods hunting
You have got to lighten the show up. I have the highest respect for Charlie but having guys shooting a decoy in a warehouse showing ‘oh this is how you do it’ was just plain stupid. Face it, hunters want to relax and have a little entertainment. Deliver the great d&h research in a etntertaining way.
2nd the idea of trying a hunt in PA. I hunt in Indiana county Pennsylvania for rifle season and it’s anything but easy to fill your tag, let alone with a buck of much size. Also tired of the importance placed on big racks in EVERY show now-a-days. I enjoy hunting and have a good year every year afield……a GREAT year when I get to harvest an animal. For me it’s about time with family and friends, not whether I get a deer.
Great Idea!
Michigan is home to some of the best, oldest and most traditional deer camps in America. Why not film an episode showing some of these great camps…Feel free to video ours, lots of laughs and many long lasting family traditions, and a few deer too.
That’s what Deer Hunting is really all about!
I’m a 70 yr old and have hunted since I was 8 yrs old I archery deer hunt in Missouri on public land and would love to be on this show Give me a hollar and we will go Season has just re-opend here and think this would be a average mans hunt
One suggestion I have is to spend a show or two on (however many DDH feels necessary) deer hunting in the BIG woods –> I am referring to the parts of the US and Canada that holds whitetails and do not have much pasture/field (farmland) area.
Most of the deer hunting shows seem to emphasize their hunts in the open farmland country of the west, mid-west, and southern states. Here the patterning of deer appears to be much easier due to the reduced forest cover and the more available open ground forage for them.
I am from North Central Ontario, Canada where deer numbers aren’t that high and the forest cover is vast. Hunting in the BIG woods is very different…Whether it be still, stand or drive hunting the deer are very shy and are quick to vacate an area or become completely nocturnal if there is an sign of human activity. Terrain and varying forest cover types become very much important in the patterning of deer. The open areas aren’t always there to help out.
Not having hunted farmland deer before I can’t say BIG woods hunting is any harder, only that it appears to be different than what I see from the many deer hunting shows.
Not everyone are trophy hunters. The motto of ‘What’s brown is down’ (deer) and ‘What’s black is on its back’ (moose) still reigns for a large part of this continent. So, it would be nice to see a show with a little less emphasis on the trophy buck …a little more on:
(1) enjoying the outdoors
(2) having fun with friends and family
(3) putting some meat on the table
(4) appreciating the whitetail deer for its beauty
(4) the challenge of the hunt
Lastly, no matter what show DDH presents to the public it is important not to split us hunters apart. Let’s have a show that pulls us together as a fraternity/brotherhood…no matter the hunting method, no matter the hunt location. Let’s all get along!!!
Urban hunting – in the city. Come on over to St. Louis and I’ll show you what’s up.
I agree that I’ve all but stopped watching the hunts where the hunters rush to camp, spray on some scent killer and can’t climb a stand fast enough before they, "Take" the record book buck… I’d like to see those same hunters go to the briar thickets, gallberry patches and palmettos of South Georgia or the laurel thickets of North Georgia mountains…
I hunt in ILL and PA and Maryland shoot some real studs in ILL over the years but I love hunting MD, I am 6 air miles from the White house and you would not beleive the deer we have on are land ,late season it is not uncommon to see 50 to 90 deer a day , Do film hunts let me no if you need some film of hunts.
I think this is a great idea for a reality tv deer hunting show. A different location each episode. All the commercialism of deer hunting is more about selling the latest calls or camo pattern than it is about putting venison on the table. After all, that’s what it’s really all about isn’t it?
I too an a little disapointed with what seems to always be a ‘easy’ hunt portrayed on tv. Hunting in SC is a reality – meaning that you are ‘hunting’ instead of what seems to be portrayed as going out the first am of opening season – seeing 9 deer including 3 large shooter bucks, and taking one that’s 130+ inches. If you’d like to hunt in SC or see what’s some real hunting is like – let me know. I dont believe there are any shows dedicated to this area of the states, and it’s a real shame.
look forward to your new series next year –
How bout yall come to southwest Ohio and hunt on my property n film? I have private big woods property and urban places to hunt just outside of cincinnati. Its real world deer hunting. Not the fluff that the avg guy sees on huntin shows, we work for our deer.
I love the idea. I don’t even watch the hunting shows anymore. Some "real life" hunting would be nice. I’m a vetran hunter but would like to hear/see the details of the hunt in an educational format. There are so many people hunting these days because of the trophy shows. These people know nothing about hunting and think they just need the gear and their going to go out and shoot big deer. I think these trophy shows are doing a huge diservice to hunters and hunting. I wish it would end. I wonder if the sponsers know these programs are turning people away from watching?
How about film a hunt in public land in Pennsylvania. That’s REAL deer hunting!