Whitetail Wisdom post for this week: It doesn’t matter if it is a deer hunting girl or boy, reactions to a first deer are extra special for any dad, mom — or deer hunting fanatic. I rejoice every time I see these special moments caught on video, especially because I know our deer hunting future is in good hands.
Here is the latest video to come across my desk here at Deer & Deer Hunting. As you will see, young Landrey Yoder is well on her way to becoming a veteran deer hunter. While hunting with her dad during Ohio’s September archery season, she makes a great shot on a mature doe. The crossbow arrow’s hits its mark — a double-lung shot — and the deer doesn’t go very far before going down.

The successful hunt didn’t come without a few challenges. Upon arriving at their deer blind, they realized it was filled with yellow jackets. Dad wasn’t going to let that get in the way of the hunt, however, as he stepped in and took matters into his own hands (literally) and removed the pests.
The video gets even better as Landrey walks out into the field to look for her first deer. After finding blood and the start of a blood trail, she carefully combs the area one step at a time in her search for the deer. With dad doing a masterful job at capturing the event on video, we see the doe dead in its tracks in the background before Landrey looks up to see it for herself. The short blood trail is testament to her spot-on shot placement.
Way to go, Landrey (and Dad)! And welcome to the deer hunting community! We’re proud to see the how you are carrying on deer hunting’s rich heritage in the great state of Ohio.
Here’s the special moment caught on video:
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Deer & Deer Hunting TV will air three times each week from January through June as it makes its move to Pursuit Channel as part of a broader project coming in July 2017.
Deer & Deer Hunting TV will air in primetime each Thursday at 9:30 p.m. Eastern and have repeat airings on Mondays at 5 p.m. Eastern and Wednesday at 2 p.m. Eastern. Shows will air from January to July before the 13th season of DDH TV begins in August.
Deer & Deer Hunting TV is America’s original, categorically exclusive media authority dedicated to whitetail deer and hunting. Destination Whitetail and Land of Whitetail, two of hunting’s most popular television series devoted to America’s iconic and most-beloved big-game species, will join the sport’s greatest brand, Deer & Deer Hunting TV (D+DH TV), in this move.
Part of the new relationship with Pursuit Channel will be the creation of “Deer & Deer Hunting Saturday Night Deer Camp.” This will be a two-hour block featuring a hand-crafted selection of the best whitetail hunting shows on television and anchored by the 13th season of D+DH TV.