Glassing with the Nikons & hoping for the best.

With the deer moving back to their feeding pattern, it is a great time to glass the fields in hopes of getting a pattern on a great buck.  After this busy work week, I am going to find some time this weekend to do some glassing.  A couple of our farms have some great vantage points, allowing us to sit and watch with the Nikons without ever spooking a deer.  Hopefully in the next week or two, we can get some white stuff on the ground and get some cooler temperatures to really get the deer up on their feet in the daylight.

I recently spoke with a good friend who hunts the same river bottom but a mile down stream from my farm.  He said after hearing of the EHD outbreak this summer, his dad decided to walk the river to see if the outbreak had hit that specific area.  After walking the river, his dad found over 20 deer that had fallen victim to EHD.  After hearing this, I immediately begin to wonder if he had found one of my shooter bucks known as “Waldo.”  I have not heard back yet, but I am getting pretty antsy waiting on the verdict.  All I can do is hope for the best!  Stay tuned in with Working Class Whitetails as we put a closure on this epic season and quickly start the cycle all over again.                       Josh McMillen


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