Weather Changes Everything

This past week has not been conducive to good bowhunting here in north-central Iowa. We have had low to mid-70’s and even 80 for two of the last five days and deer activity has basically been slim to none. I gave up trying to hunt in the heat and decided to get some more work done in the shop before the big show begins. This cold front that is coming through today is definitely going to jumpstart deer movement with highs in the upper 40’s for the next week. I heard of a nice 12pt being shot on public ground tonight, and after he harvested this deer, another shooter bigger than his came strolling through his shooting lane. Isn’t that always the way it goes?! This morning, a county worker hit a small 8 point that I have been watching all summer in person and on trail cam on his way to work about 100 yds south of my driveway. I was hoping that he was going to be nice in about 3-4 years as he was pretty uniform, but I guess he won’t be now. We finally received some rain which put a little bit of water in the creek, so hopefully it will attract some more deer as the drought moved a lot of them out in search of water. We are headed to our river bottom property to hunt this weekend, so we will keep everyone posted on what we see for activity. Good Luck out there this weekend!

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