Repellent Hanger Serves Dual Purpose

Discovering the EZY Repellent Hanger a couple of years ago at the Archery Trade Association show was a blessing because I’ve always had an issue with my Thermacell in the stand.

The EZY Repellent Hanger is designed for use with the Thermacell, but also doubles as a gun holder in a box blind.

Thermacells, if you haven’t used one, are little gems at keeping skeeters and some other bothersome bugs at bay. I know some guys don’t like them because they believe the aroma can (may? is?) detected by deer, but I’ve never had that problem. If you’re a Thermacell user and are hunting the early season or in swampy, buggy areas, you know they work.

The EZY Repellent Hanger is designed to hold a Thermacell upright and has a screw so you can put it in a tree. Screw it in at chest or head level once you get into the tree (wear the harness!), turn on the Thermacell and pop it in the hanger. You’re good to go and don’t have to worry about kicking it off the platform.

Last season, I found a new use for the hanger. If you hunt from shooting houses or box blinds made with wooden supports, such as 2x4s or 4x4s, the hanger serves as a nifty gun holder. Instead of propping your rifle or shotgun in the corner, just screw in the EZY Hanger and put the barrel in it. The rubber-coated “arms” on the hanger won’t scratch the barrel. Leave it in the stand or take it with you.

They’re inexpensive, so you could buy a few, screw ’em in for the Thermacell and your gun, and be good to go. I guess they also could serve as a hanger hook for a light, backpack or other gear.

Check ’em out here.

— Alan Clemons, Managing Editor


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