“DeerTech TV” is the “how it’s made” of the outdoor industry.

We’ll cover bows, arrows, firearms, apparel, boots, treestands, optics and other deer hunting accessories that can help make your hunting experiences more successful.

“DeerTech TV” takes a look at the entrepreneurs, innovators and engineers behind the products. You’ll see what makes these products work, what inspired their creation and the innovative technology driving them.

Catch “DeerTech TV” on the Pursuit Channel. Tune in at 10:30 p.m. EST on Saturdays, and also watch on DeerandDeerHunting.com, the DDH Facebook PageInstagram and YouTube.
DeerTech TV Brought to You By:
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Due to travel restrictions caused by the COVID-19 pandemic, our first season of “DeerTech TV” required some adjustments, but you can still expect quality content that will help you make wise decisions come hunting season. We are excited for what season two will bring.