Deer Talk Now Postponed Due to Snow Storm

Today’s live Deer Talk Now webcast is postponed due to a major ice/snow storm hitting the upper Midwest area including Deer & Deer Hunting headquarters in central Wisconsin.

Watch Deer Talk Now live streaming hunting showDeer Talk Now will return next Wednesday, Feb. 13, at its normal time: 12 p.m. Central, for the live, one-hour broadcast about deer, deer hunting and other related topics. Next week we will hit the air with reports about the Southern deer seasons including a proposal to extend Alabama’s season into February, along with some cool things we saw from the Archery Trade Association and Shooting, Hunting and Outdoor Trade shows last month.

We apologize for the inconvenience, but in the meantime, be sure to check out all of our great archived shows, including the 20 spots we filmed at last month’s Shooting, Hunting and Outdoor Trade Show.

To view the Deer Talk Now archives, click here.



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