Wisconsin deer hunting fanatic Jay Fish, owner of the King Buck officially scored last Saturday by Boone and Crockett Club, will be the special guest this Wednesday on Deer Talk Now to provide details about the scoring and his insights on the controversy.
Fish will be in the studio during the broadcast of Deer Talk Now and will provide his personal account of the King Buck’s rocky road from when Wisconsin hunter Johnny King killed it six years ago to last weekend’s B&C scoring panel session in Montana. The buck was officially scored as a roughly 215-inch typical, and B&C announced last month that it would be panel-scored as a potential world record. It was not, and the club Saturday applied new rules that were not in place in 2006 when the buck was killed. What happened? Fish will reveal all of the facts in this epic Deer Talk Now episode.
The show is hosted each Wednesday at 12 p.m. CST by Deer & Deer Hunting editor Dan Schmidt and publisher Brad Rucks. Questions from fans are selected for the special guest and may be submitted at https://www.deeranddeerhunting.com/deer-talk-now-watch
We’ll be giving away some fantastic prizes during Deer Talk Now including Carbon Express arrows, Deer & Deer Hunting calendars, Legendary Whitetails III, a grab bag of scent-control products from ATSKO and possibly more! All for simply submitting your question for consideration!
Deer Talk Now specials this week, which can be found on DeerandDeerHunting.com, include a special deal for the 2013 Deer & Deer Hunting wall calendar – buy the 2013 calendar, and get the 2012 calendar for just $1! Also available at ShopDeerHunting.com is a free bottle of Hoosier Trapper’s Fresh Earth cover spray for every purchase of more than $25.
Also, this only available this Friday and Saturday is a huge 50 Percent Off Sale on all digital downloads at ShopDeerHunting.com for everything in our digital lineup!
Deer Talk Now is a one-hour webcast every Wednesday beginning at 12 p.m. Central. Join the show each week here and be sure to visit our DTN Archives here to watch previous shows with guests including Charles Alsheimer, Ted Nugent, Donald Trump, Mark Drury and more!
Despite what the rules say or said in the past, and what B&C did or handled everything, anyone I share the stories and info with, all hunters, unwaveringly agree the point in question in non-typical and most certainly believe it is not the new world record.
Respect is given where respect is deserved, and B&C has every right to make their own rules. I respect their rules and their decisions. Hanson buck is still king.
King buck is one in a million trophy and should move on, content with its own greatness rather than steal glory on a technicality. You have your opinion, and hunters have theirs.
that is totally narrow minded and idiotic thinking……most peopel including B&C scorers say that this buck should be scored as a typical…….the Hanson buck isnt the top buck anymore…give credit where credit is due……if the Hanson buck is still # one….it ranks right up there with the Seahawks winning Monday night……the B&C made themselves look very bad on this one