Giant 200-Inch Buck Stood There For a Third Shot

Matt Serwa Buck
Matt Serwa’s giant Wisconsin buck scored 201-plus inches and is one of the biggest killed so far this season.

When Matt Serwa’s second arrow missed the giant whitetail, he was crushed because Lady Luck doesn’t typically offer a third chance on a mature megabuck like this one.

Lady Luck must have been snoozing or in a highly gracious mood, because Serwa got a third opportunity. He made the most of it.

The longtime central Wisconsin bowhunter arrowed one of the biggest bucks of the season so far, and on the state’s opening day of bow season. This geniune gagger whitetail sports more than 201 inches on a nontypical frame, with a double brow tine on one side and third brow sticking up under those along with other kickers and stickers.

Be sure to check it out today on Deer Talk Now at 12 p.m. Central for all the details! Deer Talk Now is presented by Mathews, Carbon Express and ICOtec. Visit our archives to watch shows anytime, too!

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