Brad Rucks gets a shot at the WIDEST racked buck he’s ever seen! Don’t miss this episode where Brad gets to hunt his bucket list state — Kansas.
Tag: kansas
Outdoor Community Loses a Legend
The hunting, shooting and outdoor community lost a legend this week with the passing of Robert Eltinge “Bob” Hodgdon. He was 84. Bob’s personal and professional life was intertwined with the Hodgdon Powder Company his parents founded in 1947. From his earliest age, Bob and his brother J.B. were instrumental to company operations – Bob often told […]
196-Inch Buck Falls From Calling, Rattling and Decoy Setup
Parker Brown arrows the buck of his dreams with the help of calling, rattling, and a decoy.
Kansas Rut Hunt | DeerTech TV
Kristy Titus has her sights on a big mature buck during the Kansas rut. Will this deer follow the script? Find out in this episode.
D+DH Superfans: Kansas and Kentucky
Today we’re highlighting hunters from Kansas and Kentucky. Check out some awesome hunt moments!
Have You Seen The 67-Pointer?
That is no typographical error. Yep, you read it right: a 67-point white-tailed buck! And, yes, it is a wild deer that was taken via fair-chase hunting tactics (sad that we even have to preface that, but that’s the case in today’s Internet environment). The lucky (or should we say blessed?) hunter is Brian Butcher […]
Kansas Might Let Landowners Sell Their Buck Tags
Kansas landowners might soon be allowed to sell their personal deer hunting permits to out-of-state hunters if a new law makes it through the State Senate. The regulation change passed the House this week by the slim margin of just three votes. The legislation would allow landowners of 80 or more acres to legally purchase […]
Kansas | Destination Whitetail TV
Kansas is known as an incredible whitetail destination, and our hosts find some great hunting action.
Have Patience | Land of Whitetail TV
Mark Kayser has his Mathews bow in Kansas – the home of big wind and big bucks. But it’s a hunt that will require great patience.
After Heartbreaking Miss, Bowhunter Evens Score with Giant Buck
Consider all of the stories you’ve heard about deer hunters killing giant, mature white-tailed bucks. These success stories typically involve surprise encounters with deer that had never been seen before, or monarchs with generally unpredictable movements. Kevin Krebbs defied these odds when he got a rock-solid pattern on a 200-class whitetail that he would later […]