In this episode, Steve Bartylla talks about an underutilized hunting tool that can reap big rewards — and big bucks!
Tag: making mock scrapes
Scratching the Surface of Scrape Drippers
Building a couple mock scrapes near your stand will provide you with better shot opportunities, improve your odds of seeing more deer at each sitting, and allows you to encourage deer movement at your stand during shooting hours.
How to Make a Mock Scrape for Whitetail Deer
The mock scrapes Steve Bartylla sets up in this episode of “Hunt ’em Big” draw a lot of attention because of their positioning.
Mock Scrapes That Actually Work!
Consistently successful scrape hunting comes down to following a simple formula.
Turn the Clock on Big Bucks
Since bucks travel less pre-rut, hunting success will depend largely on finding a buck’s bedding area and the general route or routes he takes to get to it.
Making Magic with Mock Scrapes | Land of Whitetail
Steve Bartylla gives an in-depth look into one of his favorite whitetail hunting techniques — hunting with mock scrapes.
The Truth About Mock Scrapes | Deer & Deer Hunting TV
Mock scrapes don’t solve all the problems when it comes to deer hunting, but they can make a difference.
Early-Season Tips to Attract Deer
Short of creating a food plot, these strategies should help you attract deer this season.
Mock Scrape Secrets for Deer Hunting Success
You can substantially kick up your shot opportunities with mock scrapes. Here’s what to do.
Whitetail Rut: Should You Pee in Buck Scrapes?
When hunting the whitetail rut, a lot of the same questions about rubs and scrapes are asked year in and year out. Among them are: Is it OK to pee in a buck scrape? Before answering that one, let’s first address these broad categories. First, a Word About Buck Rubs The whitetailxe2x80x99s most visible […]