Fencing Options for Better Deer Food Plots

As gamekeepers we constantly preach about the importance of spring and summer nutrition for whitetails. There are huge upsides for your deer herd when they are provided quality high protein groceries during the growing months. Anyone who has tried to grow a small food plot of soybeans, lablab or other highly attractive warm season annual has […]

Know Thy Habitat: Greenery Desirability Changes with Seasons

Food sources change in desirability during their various stages of maturation. When hunting over them, you should time your hunts for the phase when they’re most desirable. While it’s impossible to cover the most desirable stage of all preferred deer foods in one article, the following generally applies to greenery: • Seedlings – extremely tender […]

One Food Plot Superfood Loved by Deer and Humans

Many, perhaps most, Arkansans enjoy purple hull peas on their dinner table. Deer love the peas as well. Planting in food plots is nothing new and is recommended by wildlife biologists of the Arkansas Game and Fish Commission – but as one of a variety of plantings suggested to augment native foods for the goal […]

Destination Whitetail: Auburn University’s Deer Lab

Come along for a behind-the-scenes look at one of the country’s top wildlife biology programs. Students of the DeerLab at Auburn University’s School of Forestry and Wildlife Sciences in east-central Alabama are helping shape the future of deer research and management in the U.S. Auburn University has a long history of completing insightful research projects […]