I say we boycott B&C and anyone affiliated with them until they get some integrity and panel score it.
but they will probably stack the deck against it anyways.
B&C scorer Ron Boucher did the right and ethical thing on the King Buck. He should not be “castigated” or otherwise ostracized for reasonably following accepted standards and ethics. While the B&C administration has declined to accept Bouchard’s score and well as his reasons for how and why he justified his actions, this appears only to bring disrepute to the B&C and much credit to Mr. Bouchard. He should be running the B&C so a reasonably fair shake can be expected by all. Is it possible that intransigent bureaucrats are running the B&C, and it’s handling, or should I say apparent bungling, of the King Buck seems to go contrary to its mission statement.
I say we boycott B&C and anyone affiliated with them until they get some integrity and panel score it.
but they will probably stack the deck against it anyways.
B&C scorer Ron Boucher did the right and ethical thing on the King Buck. He should not be “castigated” or otherwise ostracized for reasonably following accepted standards and ethics. While the B&C administration has declined to accept Bouchard’s score and well as his reasons for how and why he justified his actions, this appears only to bring disrepute to the B&C and much credit to Mr. Bouchard. He should be running the B&C so a reasonably fair shake can be expected by all. Is it possible that intransigent bureaucrats are running the B&C, and it’s handling, or should I say apparent bungling, of the King Buck seems to go contrary to its mission statement.