Muzzleloader hunters can now use Federal’s revolutionary FireStick system when hunting the 2024 muzzleloader season in this state.

Muzzleloader hunters can now use Federal’s revolutionary FireStick system when hunting the 2024 muzzleloader season in this state.
These are some solid reasons to try muzzleloader hunting and tips on how to make your season better.
Let’s not overlook one of the best hunts that’s often left on the table each year, muzzleloader season.
Ahp, ahp, ahp! Don’t stop at the headline. Bonus points are in store for everyone who reads and respond to this blog post.
See how the Traditions NitroFire can change your muzzleloader season in this episode of HuntTech.
The new NitroFire has absolutely changed the game when it comes to no-hassle acquisition of venison for the freezer.
Traditions Firearms, Federal Ammunition and Hodgdon Powder combine forces to launch two of the most innovative products the hunting industry has seen in years.
Here, we’ll look at Traditions’ four most popular series of inline muzzleloaders, from the long-lived Buckstalker up to the all-new NitroFire.
Getting up close and personal is one of the best muzzleloader hunting tips for killing more whitetails with a smokepole.
Simple in objective but complex in execution, a bitter-weather late-season whitetail hunt can warm the heart and soothe the soul.