Twenty-five years after his father bagged a 15-point buck on opening day, a hunter also arrows a 15-pointer on opening day.

Twenty-five years after his father bagged a 15-point buck on opening day, a hunter also arrows a 15-pointer on opening day.
We bet you will be surprised at the states where guys and gals are already drawing down on deer and releasing arrows! Here’s our Top 5 list.
Later into September bucks transition to their fall food sources. Here’s how to find their new feeding spots.
What should hunters do in September as the bucks begin to transition into their fall food sources? Find out in this episode.
Some of my best trophies never made it to the taxidermist, for the best memories of all did not in fact include any killing. My hunting happy factor will never be impacted at all by any outside influences. It is all just too personal for me.
No other date seems to generate the sheer excitement and fiery anticipation of the classic, traditional Opening Day of the historic firearms deer season. May your deer dreams throttle on and may your family camp time cleanse the soul and fortify the bond.
Aim small, miss small and say a prayer for the wildthings every day. Happy Opener America! This is IT!