How do you create a food plot over land that is overrun with grass? Here’s how you do it without driving yourself insane or broke in the process.

How do you create a food plot over land that is overrun with grass? Here’s how you do it without driving yourself insane or broke in the process.
See the steps it takes to transform an untouched piece of land into a lush plot that deer will love!
Grounded! Down to earth! Certainly two of the greatest compliments a person can bestow upon another, identifying the integrity, reliability and righteousness of an individual. When it gets right down to it, both those terms are quite literal in their origin, celebrating a person’s honest, earthly touch and connection, as in farming, ranching, hunting, fishing, trapping and overall down-and-dirty terra firma hands-on lifestyles.
By centering your hunting around staging plots, you can increase your chances of bagging a mature buck.
Strategically planting food plots in pine plantations and other woody areas helps draw and concentrate deer.
Learn how to mix chemicals for food plots, increase tonnage, and maximize forage when food plots aren’t enough.
Find out how to quickly and cheaply plant clover in this episode of Grow ‘em Big with Steve Bartylla.
Steve Bartylla creates a food plot in the forest with a blend of plants that has MANY advantages for not only deer but also your dirt.
Access small and uneven areas without big equipment, create entry and exit routes, draw in deer and more with the new food plot seeds and equipment for 2021.
Let’s take a look at how plot size, browse pressure and plot diversity can play a role in successfully planting brassicas.