Alsheimer wasn’t long into his work on private-land deer management when he realized there was a ceiling to QDM.
Tag: quality deer management
#4: The Benefits of QDM | Alsheimer’s Greatest Insights
Alsheimer was one of the first people to implement QDM. Here’s what he learned from practicing this management style on 160 acres.
7 Biggest Mistakes of Deer Hunting Land Management
Are you making these seven mistakes when it comes to deer hunting land management? See Steve Bartylla’s tips on managing prime deer dirt.
The Crime of 1943
The Crime of ’43 highlights that even sound wildlife management principles can cause unexpected problems.
Charles Alsheimer’s 7 Lasting Lessons
Having spent 38 years studying deer behavior on a daily basis, Charles Alsheimer was more than a writer and photographer. He was a true pioneer.
Managing Expectations | Deer & Deer Hunting TV
Unrealistic expectations sometimes run wild in both hunting and deer management. Although we would all like to see bucks make huge strides in antler development every year, the fact of the matter is that wild whitetails are individuals.
5 Hot Locations to Find More Shed Antlers
To find more shed whitetail antlers you need to look in antler-hot locations where deer will frequent or use going from one spot to another. Here are five top areas to snoop for more bone in your backpack.
No Mistaking This Monster Buck
Some hunters may not like it, but naming bucks is helpful for larger property owners to help keep tabs on specific deer and their movements.
Whitetail Deer Nutrition: When is Enough, Enough?
Many deer hunters are consumed with providing supplemental food and minerals to deer, but does this extra food boost help whitetails?
Mandatory Antler Point Restrictions: A Dangerous Precedent
In the rush to jump on the mandatory antler point restriction bandwagon, in some states the basic principles of biology are being ignored in favor of public opinion. The end results are confusion, unhappy hunters and poorly managed deer herds.