Learn Food Sources for Better Whitetail Deer Hunting Success

  Tom Miranda of the Whitetail SLAM has authored a new book, The Rut Hunters. This Tom Miranda blog features excerpts from that book. Certified Wildlife Biologist Kip Adams is extremely familiar with the Northern Woodland region. “This subgroup is one of my favorites thanks in part to my time spent as the Deer & Bear Biologist with the New Hampshire Fish […]

Potts Pours Over Aerial Photos, Then Kills Giant Bucks

The core premise of the Whitetail SLAM is to travel in search of whitetail hunting opportunities, and to prove that you’ve got the chops to successfully harvest whitetail bucks in vastly different areas. Tom Miranda of the Whitetail SLAM has authored a new book, The Rut Hunters. This Tom Miranda blog features excerpts from the book, which has information from some […]

How to find a hunting land Llease on your own terms

Miranda: This One Question Leads to Hunting Lease Savings

Miranda: Lease Secrets to Boost Your Hunting Prospects Tim Kent, owner of outdoors-related media company Theory 13 Creative, decided to take matters into his own hands after years of bumping into other hunters while hunting in New York and New Jersey. “We were simply tired of having people on top of us, especially in my home […]

Tom Miranda The Rut Hunters Find a Hunting Partner

Miranda: You Need This When Traveling for Big Bucks

Tom Miranda of the Whitetail SLAM has authored a new book, The Rut Hunters. This Tom Miranda blog features excerpts from that book. How to Double Your Efforts in Unfamiliar Territory Even though we all have hunting buddies, someone that is a good traveling hunting partner is a different breed. Camp chores, competition over good […]

Melissa Bachman on Gaining Access to Private Land

Miranda: Melissa Bachman Gives the Secrets to Gaining Private Land Hunting Access

Tom Miranda of the Whitetail SLAM has authored a new book, The Rut Hunters. This Tom Miranda blog features excerpts from that book. The Secrets to Gaining Private Land Hunting Access While many whitetailers are content to hunt public ground, television host and outdoor personality Melissa Bachman will try hard to gain access to private […]

Tom Miranda Blog Whitetail Slam

Miranda: Why the Whitetail is King

Tom Miranda of the Whitetail SLAM has authored a new book, The Rut Hunters. This Tom Miranda blog features excerpts from that book. Most of us envision bugling elk, bug-eyed swaying bull moose responding to a plaintive call, or perhaps a few of the critters that call Africa home when we dream big about hunting. […]

Miranda Inspires Hunters to Pursue Deer Hunting’s Ultimate Challenge

Turkey and wild sheep hunters have a Grand Slam, big game hunters have the Super Slam and now whitetail deer hunters have their own slam opportunity: the Whitetail SLAM, inspired by hunting personality Tom Miranda. In his new book, The Rut Hunters, which is available now, Miranda enlists some famous hunting friends to deliver the […]