The author that ignited the King Buck controversy weighs in on Boone & Crockett’s final ruling that the buck is not a world record.

The author that ignited the King Buck controversy weighs in on Boone & Crockett’s final ruling that the buck is not a world record.
The deadline to enter your deer into the Pope & Young 9th Edition Record Book is approaching!
This amazing deer was taken and entered into the records program nearly ten years ago and is now recognized as the new world’s record after the original score was upheld by a panel of measurers.
John Eberhart pulls no punches when telling Dan Schmidt why he thinks Michigan’s infamous Rompola Buck was real, fake or something else.
You can’t shoot a buck with a slingshot, but you can shoot a buck named Slingshot!
Big bucks, technological advances and the occasional controversy topped the year of whitetail deer hunting for 2013. Records fell, with more awaiting scoring. Big bucks continue to be reported throughout the states with seasons still open, too. It was also a big year for, including our Johnny King Buck coverage and the addition of […]
Buckle your seat belts, folks, the King Buck has landed in Montana for what could be a historic moment in deer hunting history tomorrow. After six long years of waiting, the massive 6-by-6 from Grant County, Wis., will be panel-scored by the Boone and Crockett Club to see if it will unseat the Milo Hanson […]