Firearm sound suppressors, or “silencers” as they are sometimes called, are devices which help reduce the noise of gunfire to hearing safe levels when attached to the end of a firearm’s barrel. Suppressors are generally nothing more than containment systems with a series of baffles which help contain and re-direct the expanding gasses that exit the end of the firearm’s barrel when it is discharged.
By the National Shooting Sports Foundation
They are very similar to car mufflers which were, in fact, developed in parallel by the same inventor in the early 1900s. Suppressors help to lessen the sound of the muzzle-blast only. Using suppressors can make shooting firearms safer, more enjoyable and help make shooting ranges more neighborly.
Safety Education and Training
Firearm suppressors have many practical benefits for civilians. One of the “ten commandments” of firearm safety is for shooters to wear eye and ear protection. A suppressor solves the need for ear protection for shooters who would normally be affected by the noise of the gun shot. This makes for more effective firearms training.
Without ear plugs, all shooters will be able to communicate without shouting at each other and hear and comply with instructions and range safety commands easier. One of the most common problems for shooters is poor accuracy due to the shooter’s anticipation of the gun’s loud report and recoil. This anticipation causes shooters to flinch before the gun even goes off, to experience slight tremors in the hand from nervousness, and even to close their eyes or blink right before they pull the trigger. All of these issues cause the gun to move from the intended target area.
The use of suppressors will dramatically increase accuracy because of the reduced muzzle report, reduced recoil, and decreased muzzle flip.
How does a suppressor work? Check out this short info video from SilencerCo:
Hearing Loss
Noise Induced Hearing Loss is a serious threat to our men and women in the military and law enforcement communities. The ability to hear is crucial to the performance of their duties. Many people have received medical retirement because of Noise Induced Hearing Loss.
Much of this hearing loss occurs due to repeated exposure to gunfire, both operationally and in the training environment. According to the National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH), any exposure to noise of more than140db causes immediate and irreparable hearing loss. Unsuppressed handguns and rifles generally create a muzzle report well above this threshold.
Gunfire noise is a preventable occupational risk and an unnecessary liability. A suppressor can protect against hearing loss.
Helping Make Ranges Better Neighbors
Suppressors in America became highly regulated in 1934 with the passing of the National Firearms Act of 1934 (NFA). Prior to this, suppressors were available by catalog mail order directly to a customer’s home. Now, in order to own one you must complete an extensive application, pay an ownership transfer tax and undergo a background check.
In England and many other European countries, generally known for having much more restrictive firearms laws, they do not have restrictions on suppressor ownership and, in fact, actually encourage their use. They recognize that suppressors are a great tool to help reduce noise pollution. Hiram Maxim, the inventor of the modern firearm suppressor, would likely agree. He invented the suppressor in 1902 to solve the noise pollution complaints of his neighbors.
Sound familiar? More than 100 years after his invention, noise pollution is still a problem. Shooting ranges throughout America are increasingly being sued by neighbors or are being shut down due to noise complaints.
Suppressors are also useful for hunting where it is not practical to wear ear plugs all day in anticipation of shooting. Suppressors are currently legal to use and possess in 41 states and 37 states have approved suppressor use for hunting. There are several benefits to hunting with suppressed firearms. Because listening to your surroundings is an important strategy in tracking prey, hunters very rarely if ever use hearing protection.
Again, unsuppressed gunfire is loud enough to cause permanent hearing loss. Using a silencer will suppress the gunfire enough to protect your hearing without the use of hearing protection, thus allowing you to effectively track your prey and quickly take your shot without having to first apply hearing protection. If you have a silencer attached to your muzzle while hunting, there are benefits other than hearing protection. Because the silencer reduces recoil and muzzle rise, you are able to get into position for a follow-up shot more quickly because there is a lot less movement and your cross hairs stay closer to the target.
Sometimes, it is possible to get your cross hairs back on target before the first bullet strikes. This quick strategy also allows you to call your hits or misses and make quick corrections in the field.

SEE ALSO: Suppressors take the Boom and Bang Out of Hunting!
DDH Editor-in-Chief Dan Schmidt was admittedly skeptical when he first heard of a silencer for hunting shotguns. Why? And, really, what would be the advantage? After shooting a suppressed shotgun for the first time, he immediately learned the answers to both questions and was pleasantly surprised. Read his story here.
Lawful Use of Suppressors Does Not Increase Crime
There are concerns by some that suppressors will be used in crimes. These concerns are unfounded, however, as suppressors, which have been legal to own by lawabiding citizens since their inception in 1902, are very rarely used in crimes.
In a study looking at the criminal use of suppressors in California and nation-wide between 1995 and 2005, the researcher found 153 federal criminal cases involving suppressors, only 15 of which involved the actual use of the suppressor in the commission of a crime. Less than 0.1 percent of homicides in federal court, an infinitesimally low 0.00006 percent of felonies in California and a mere 0.1 percent of armed robberies involve a suppressor. Suppressed firearms are clearly not the choice for criminals.
This is likely because they do not silence firearms like in the movies, they are ineffective on revolvers, they prevent the proper function of most semiautomatic handguns without the addition of a special piston system and they make firearms longer and heavier, which makes them more difficult to conceal. Suppressor use, especially in Europe, has a long history with many benefits.
The fears and concerns about suppressor ownership and use are unfounded and have not been seen in the over 100-year history of suppressors. NSSF supports efforts to remove restrictions on the use of suppressors for hunting and to permit their use at shooting ranges.
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