Lunar Rut Predictions + 5 Things that Shut Down the Rut

Rut Predictions: When Bucks Will Go Wild!

Deer & Deer Hunting’s annual rut prediction and analysis from Charlie Alsheimer and Wayne Laroche. In its 15th year, this research project is aimed at accurately predicting the whitetails annual rut activity with the moon phase.

Just what do you believe about the moon and how it affects the rut process of white-tailed deer?

Is it the sole trigger to getting bucks chasing does? Or do you believe the moon is one of many factors involved in this unique process of whitetail reproduction, along with the region, population numbers, buck-doe ratio, weather and other variables?

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“Either you’re a believer in the moon or not,” says Brad Rucks with Deer & Deer Hunting. “There’s no middle of the road.”

Get the 2014 Northern Rut Forecast here and find out when to hit the woods!

Veteran researchers and hunters Charles Alsheimer and Wayne Laroche have more than four decades of research with deer they use to compile their annual rut forecasts. These are the most popular episodes of Deer & Deer Hunting TV and articles in Deer & Deer Hunting Magazine each year.

Alsheimer and Laroche easily admit their forecast is not a guarantee. Predicting rutting activity is a

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challenge. What happens in Iowa may not be the same as Vermont or Georgia or Texas.

The 2014 Southern Rut always is flexible so find out the best periods to go hunting!

Variables, again, influence the rut process, which begins when bucks shed the velvet from their antlers and ends when those antlers drop. It’s a long process with different phases, including the exciting “chase” phase we enjoy. So Alsheimer and Laroche look for trends within their research based on the combination of factors and their years of study.

“This isn’t exact. We’re talking about an animal,” Alsheimer said. “We’re talking about how things are going to shake out. Everything has to be perfect for it to work exactly the way we say it’s going to be, and that’s never going to be. We want to see trends and that’s the beauty of this whole thing.”

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Plan Ahead! Get your dates set for next season now so you can be ready to scout, plant, hunt and enjoy yourself. Lunar cycles, rut forecasts and more! Click here now … 

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