Unless you commit to a regular bow preparation routine, when opening day finally arrives and you have a shot opportunity, failure is a distinct possibility.

Dive deep into deer behavior, biology, diseases, hunting tactics, jaw-clenching hunting stories and more.
Dive deep into deer behavior, biology, diseases, hunting tactics, jaw-clenching hunting stories and more.
Unless you commit to a regular bow preparation routine, when opening day finally arrives and you have a shot opportunity, failure is a distinct possibility.
Take a break from the comfortable routine to hunt overlooked areas.
Beating a buck’s nose is more of a science than an art. Learn it, and you’ll see more deer this season.
When it comes to outsmarting mature whitetails on public and highly pressured lands, no one has done it better — or longer — than Michigan’s John Eberhart.
Sadly, one of the world’s greatest whitetails has been denied a chance to be recognized as a potential world record by Boone and Crockett.
A big doe dies in the woods. Which scavenger will utilize the carcass the most? The carcass was photographed for 133 days to find out.
Here are some tips to help get the most out of deer decoys this season.
To consistently score on rutting bucks, you need to identify their main weaknesses.
Find out the best days to hunt the rut this year.
In some parts of the country, deer numbers are declining. Should we consider a ceasefire on antlerless deer? The answer is yes, no and maybe.