A sequence of actions, coupled with attention to detail, get the job done on September bucks.

A sequence of actions, coupled with attention to detail, get the job done on September bucks.
The key to successfully butchering your own venison, and coming out with great results, is knowing what you want and being ready for the entire process.
Should you age your venison before butchering? If so, how long? Let’s explore every aspect of hanging your whitetail before taking knife to meat.
A whitetail’s front leg doesn’t get much respect as a source of prime venison. It’s time to change all of that.
It’s got many names around the world, but we call the end result jerky. Here’s the history, science, how-to and tools behind drying meat.
Marinating venison properly for tenderness and flavor is much more than dumping meat into liquid and hoping for the best.
Long gone are the days when hunting with a shotgun stuffed with crudely rifled slugs reduced deer hunting to a poke and a hope.
The more ways you have available to utilize venison, the more you can hunt. It’s time to add sandwiches of all kinds to your venison menu options.
Each one of these underrated muscle groups is highly flavorful in its own special way.
When you’ve got a whitetail down, you’ve also got a lot of choices regarding what to do with all of that prime venison. Here are some opportunities and alternatives.