Southern deer hunting has a long and storied history that exists to this day. Traditions have been passed down through generations at deer camps despite changes in wildlife management, populations, methods of hunting and societal influences. Still, deer hunting and enjoying that is the heart of it all. In this blog we’ll take a look at all those things and more, including trends, gear, hot topics and more.

Why Does This State Have Multiple Rut Periods?

The rut is one of the most anticipated times of the hunting season in Alabama. However, the timing of this can vary greatly depending on where you hunt within the state. Generally speaking, this period of the season is when most mature bucks are more vulnerable to harvest due to an increased activity level. By […]

EXCLUSIVE: Peak 2016 Rut Forecast for Southern Deer Hunters

Christmas lights were the only glow during the dark early morning drive to the stand. Growing up in the Northeast, it seemed odd to be so excited about deer hunting at this time of year. My entire life had revolved around November as the “days to hunt.” But there I was, heading to a stand […]

What’s the Deal With Bucks Shedding Antlers Early?

If you’ve noticed that some bucks seem to be casting their antlers early this year, you’re not wrong. “The overall health of the buck affects when it casts its antlers,” said Dr. Grant Woods, a deer biologist and host of the popular Growing Deer series ( “Factors like prolonged cold temperatures or an injury that […]

Destination Whitetail: Auburn University’s Deer Lab

Come along for a behind-the-scenes look at one of the country’s top wildlife biology programs. Students of the DeerLab at Auburn University’s School of Forestry and Wildlife Sciences in east-central Alabama are helping shape the future of deer research and management in the U.S. Auburn University has a long history of completing insightful research projects […]